0769-38899228We all know that China is a country of etiquette, which pays attention to reciprocity. During the Spring Festival, all kinds of festival gifts circulate in the market, and the packaging styles of all kinds of gift boxes are different, so we all want to stand out from many festival gifts. And it is not hard to find that in the current holiday gift market, whether it is food, skin care products, health products, cosmetics, or other jewelry packaging boxes, they all like to use paper as raw materials.
contact:Ms Gong
contact number:135-4485-2945 / 153-8426-6589
Fax number:0769-85095168
China mainland email:Info2@beilinbox.com
Overseas email:info@beilinbox.com
address:No.10, Funing Road, xianxi Lanhua Industrial,
Chang An Town, Dongguan City